
Friday 15 August 2014

Things My Sibling Does That Annoy Me

Things my little bro does that annoy me soo much

1.Teases me 
I hate this he teases me for no reason I could be doing nothing to him and he would just decide to annoy me. Obviously I tell my parents then I get in trouble because I made him call me names. Yep my own energy annoys my bro or if I sneeze he will tease me or do something

Every time I tell my parents my bro did something my brother will lie and here I am speechless and annoyed and then when they leave the room he does the thing I told my parents he did and laughs.

3. Scaring Me
He does this all the time when I'm getting out form the toilet, shower or coming out of a room and when they don't work he keeps saying he scared me when he didn't. I know I know your probably saying 'get over it' I can't, he really gets on my nerves!!

4. My Brother Himself

that's all I have for today guys have a great day!! ByeXx 

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