
Sunday 10 August 2014

Short Story

I'm just gonna tell you a small (hopefully small) fiction story for today. Hope you enjoy <3

19th June
Whenever I was angry/upset I would always go to my room and cry and cry or I would throw things. But I didn't this time, I don't know why but I didn't. All I wanted to do was to run away and wonder if anyone would notice. My mum always told me life isn't a wish granting factory, which is so true since my older brother Connor died today he had cancer, Connor was only 20 yes 20. Also I am pregnant at 17 no one knows that I am or how I got pregnant (I was raped). The baby is due any second now. I moved out last year, yeah I know 'moving out at 16!'. Well you would if you had parents like mine. I'm thinking of calling the baby Connor, but I might put it up for adoption, but I know Connor wouldn't allow it.

1st August
I know I know I haven't wrote in a while. I have been pretty busy since I had my baby and dropped out of school. The baby is a boy, I named him Connor. He is the most beautiful baby boy ever, Connor would have loved him. I have also been busy since I have been stealing a lot of stuff  for the baby, Hey a mum's got do what a mum got a do. Well I better go now the baby has woken up.

Well that's the end of the story not a very good ending but oh well I hope you enjoyed!!
See you guys soon Bye Xx

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