
Saturday 23 August 2014

Random Post

I have no idea what to write so I'm just gonna write random sh*t since I haven't blogged in a while. Well my weekend so far is great I have been spending most of my time on my laptop. On two websites: Wattpad and YouTube (I highly suggest you read my new story on Wattpad its called: Who Are You? and my user is sellymelly11).

Today I got and Itunes gift voucher ($20), and got a couple of songs a book and a game the book is called 'The City Of Bones' I also changed the background of my laptop which was yesterday here is the pic:

I think this pic is awesome, me love cookie monster!

Umm... what else did I do hmmm.... well I have been trying this new scrub which is helping my skin a lot which will be in my new blog post called 'My Top 3 Beauty Products'. Don't know when that will be up but it will be up soon. And guys just remember I have school so that's why it's taking so long for me to post okay. But I love you guys so much BYEXx

Thursday 21 August 2014

A Story With No Name

I didn't want to be like this, I truly didn't. My father made me this way. My 21st victim is tonight I got a 5 year old girl, it's such ashame that she has to die. But my father told me god doesn't need her anymore so that's good enough for me. She has a babysitter tonight, so I might need to 'get rid of her' too if you know what I mean.
Oh good her window is still open, makes my job easier. As I slowly went through the window I saw her sleeping. I put the knife in the air as I was about to stab her in the heart. I pulled the knife down but stopped, I can't kill this innocent girl. I can't I just can't, father will get angry with me but I don't want to kill her. I put my knife back into my boot and left. "Did you do the job I asked you?" father asked, I was nervous to tell him that I didn't. Since he always told me if I didn't do what he says god will hate me and I would go to hell. "No I haven't, father" I replied. He looked angry "why not!?", I looked down at my feet. I shrugged "DON"T SHRUG AT ME, ANSWER NOW!" father screamed. He is really angry now, I didn't answer him. "AHHH!" father yelled, and he grabbed me by the arm and pushed me down the basement stairs. I must of hit me head really hard because I woke up with no clothes on. I sat up with my father next me. "What did you do to me!?"I yelled. He laughed, I saw my clothes in the far corner. I got up and grabbed them, "did you do what I think you did?" I asked. "You lost your virginity a long time a go sweetie". My eyes widened, I flared my noise. I quickly put my clothes on and swiped my knife out of my boots. "Here I feel bad give me a hug" he said, "sure". I walked up to him hiding the knife in my sleeve and as I wrapped my hands around his slim back, I stabbed him multiply times. The last stab I gave him I turned the knife around, making sure he died.

I might write more of this for you so that's it for today hoped you like it if you have a name for this story contact me so BYEXx

Tuesday 19 August 2014

More About Me

Sorry I haven't writ for a while been quite busy since this week is book week at my school. And I had no idea what to wear so I decided to my PJ"s! So fun and also I have been writing my stories more and have completely forgot about my blog. Hey, I mean I'm new at this soo... I'm just going to tell you more about me with little stories instead of little sentences.

  • When I was little apparently I stuck a pea up my nose and was stuck. So when my mum came back with tweezers and I sneezed and the pea went flying past her
  • Also when I was little probably not even one years old. My mum just got me out of the bath and she laid me on the bed, I sat up for the first time. When mum got the camera and took a pic I fell forward, and she got a pic of me sticking my bum in the air!
  • When my bro first came home I kind of almost killed him. Well when I was 5 I started to sleep walk and my bro was sleeping I got a pillow and just planted it on his face!whoops
Ok that's all I can remember if you have any idea's for my blog contact me! BYEXx!!

Saturday 16 August 2014

25 Facts About Me

Here are 25 facts about me

  1. I love the colour purple
  2. I'm still in school
  3. I was born in Sydney, Australia
  4. I currently live in South Australia
  5. My dad is in the army
  6. I'm obsessed with youtube
  7. I have lived in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Northern Territory
  8. I have never been overseas
  9. I have one younger brother
  10. I play Minecraft sometimes
  11.  I like to write stories
  12. I love to read
  13. I hate eating carrots and tomatoes
  14. My fave food is noodles
  15. I am a very good drawer
  16. I've never had a trophy
  17. I love to sing
  18. I scream easily
  19. I LOVE scary movies, books
  20. When I was younger I forgot how to breathe for a couple seconds (stupid child)
  21. Also when I was younger I did not like playing fairies and mums and dads so I was like very mature youngling
  22. I am loud and crazy (in a good way)
  23. I rather Pepsi then Coke Cola
  24. I am very organised sometimes
  25. I fart and burp a lot (not very lady like but I mean YOLO)  
That's it for today hoped you like it tell your friends and family about my blog and see you guys next time BYE Xx

How to Settle in a new school

I have some experience in this I have been to 5 schools soon 6 so here we go:
first of all you never ever try to start a fight on the first month! People will not like you at all but if you fight with a bully and win that's another story but I suggest you don't start a fight!
Secondly, ask someone to show you around it will help you gain friends you don't want to be a loner on the first day?!
Now if you're brave enough you can introduce your self to someone you can gain friends quick by doing that.
Lastly just be your self! No one wants to be friends with a liar just watch Pretty Little Liars and you will under stand
Do's and Don'ts
DO be your self
Don't be someone your not
Do try to be nice
Don't start a fight!
OK guys that's it there will hopefully be another post later today or later tomorrow, BYE Xx!!

Friday 15 August 2014

Things My Sibling Does That Annoy Me

Things my little bro does that annoy me soo much

1.Teases me 
I hate this he teases me for no reason I could be doing nothing to him and he would just decide to annoy me. Obviously I tell my parents then I get in trouble because I made him call me names. Yep my own energy annoys my bro or if I sneeze he will tease me or do something

Every time I tell my parents my bro did something my brother will lie and here I am speechless and annoyed and then when they leave the room he does the thing I told my parents he did and laughs.

3. Scaring Me
He does this all the time when I'm getting out form the toilet, shower or coming out of a room and when they don't work he keeps saying he scared me when he didn't. I know I know your probably saying 'get over it' I can't, he really gets on my nerves!!

4. My Brother Himself

that's all I have for today guys have a great day!! ByeXx 

Thursday 14 August 2014

3 Reasons Why I Love Books! And 3 TV Shows You Should Watch

Why I love Books!

1. It keeps me calm
Reading keeps me calm and brings stress free in my life, don't know how but it does and I highly recommend you read books!

2.It keeps me busy
Before I even read books which was more then a half a yr ago I was on the computer all the time and watching TV which was not helping my eye balls. It just keeps me busy soo..

3. I just love to read
Especially horror/ghost books I like to be scared don't know why but I do

3 TV Shows You Should Watch

1. Pretty Little Liars
I absolutely love this show its about 4 girls who's group's breaks apart when their leader of the group becomes missing. A year later the 4 girls reunited when they all get messages from a mysterious person named -A who threatens to tell their dirty secrets.

2. Dance Moms
Dance moms is about Abby Lee Miller teaching girls/boys to dance between the ages of 8-13. It is called Dance Moms because most of the drama is from the mums. It may sound stupid but hey I thought it sounded stupid until I watched it

3. The Young And The Restless
This show is been around for 40 YEARS!! And it's all about DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA. It is quite fun to watch.

That's all for today guys byee Xx

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Things People Do At School That Is Annoying

Annoying things that people at school do:

1.Walk So Slow
This is so annoying, I mean like WALK FASTER!! for gods sake

2.Looking for attention
I mean why try your not funny and if you think your funny by arguing with the're wrong you just get the whole class in trouble too. which PISSES ME OFF!
get the teacher in a bad mood why don't cha

3. People who laugh at the person trying to get attention
This is also so annoying, you're just gonna make them keep talking and interrupting the class also making the teacher angry!

4.Dumb People
No offence or anything but its just so annoying if you don't know the answer then don't put your BLOODY HAND UP!

thats all I got for today guys I love yall all so much BYE Xx

Sunday 10 August 2014

Short Story

I'm just gonna tell you a small (hopefully small) fiction story for today. Hope you enjoy <3

19th June
Whenever I was angry/upset I would always go to my room and cry and cry or I would throw things. But I didn't this time, I don't know why but I didn't. All I wanted to do was to run away and wonder if anyone would notice. My mum always told me life isn't a wish granting factory, which is so true since my older brother Connor died today he had cancer, Connor was only 20 yes 20. Also I am pregnant at 17 no one knows that I am or how I got pregnant (I was raped). The baby is due any second now. I moved out last year, yeah I know 'moving out at 16!'. Well you would if you had parents like mine. I'm thinking of calling the baby Connor, but I might put it up for adoption, but I know Connor wouldn't allow it.

1st August
I know I know I haven't wrote in a while. I have been pretty busy since I had my baby and dropped out of school. The baby is a boy, I named him Connor. He is the most beautiful baby boy ever, Connor would have loved him. I have also been busy since I have been stealing a lot of stuff  for the baby, Hey a mum's got do what a mum got a do. Well I better go now the baby has woken up.

Well that's the end of the story not a very good ending but oh well I hope you enjoyed!!
See you guys soon Bye Xx

Thursday 7 August 2014

Things People Do in the Cinema That Annoy Me

There are heaps of stuff people do in life that annoy me but today I'm telling you what people do in the cinema that annoy me

1.Chewing Loudly
I hate it when people chew on their popcorn so loud that Elvis Presley can hear them. And then I can't hear the movie and then I miss the whole movie since all I can hear is CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP! So I might as well not even go to the movies if people can't chew quietly.

2.Sitting Right In Front Of Me 
This is sooo annoying since I am a very small person. And it annoys me even more when they see I'm struggling without those child cushion things so you can see, so they decide to sit right in front of you. And all you can see is this big fat head, then humiliated when you get those kids cushion things off from the front and everybody is looking at you like your a dwarf!

3.People Talking In the Movie
This absolutely annoys me so much. I mean no one wants to hear your annoying voice, we just want to watch the move!(no offence to people who do that but...COME ON) and that's all I have to say about that one

4.People Putting Their Feet Up On My Chair
I hate, hate, hate THIS! I mean just don't, I don't want to smell your FRICKIN FEET.....No just NOO!!

And Lastly,

5.Kicking the Back Of My Chair
If I wanted to get my back kicked in I would asked my brother to do that not some random stranger! Like I'm trying to watch the movie!! I mean HELLO. It would be a different story if I did it to them, just saying..

Okay guys that's it for today Byee Xx I will do more things people do that annoy me.

Monday 4 August 2014

I Had the Most Craziest Dream!

Okay it all started in a castle in: who knows where? Any ways I was walking through a long corridor with at least 20 doors. All of a sudden a big hairy gorilla from behind mecame out of one of the doors, I turned around and saw the gorilla. Obviously I screamed then the gorilla turned and looked at me all angry like and started to chase me. So here I am running down a long narrow corridor trying to escape from a gorilla! And a clown had to just jump out of no where (I really do not like clowns) I stopped in my place and screamed. The clown just had to laugh all evil like, then predicatively the gorilla caught up to me just standing behind me making monkey noises. In a panic I pushed the clown and started to run, so now both the clown and gorilla were chasing me. Soo scary....right? When the corridor finally ended there was no door so I was screwed and I was very puffed out since I am not in shape. I looked behind me and the clown and gorilla were GONE! and the dream just ended...very weird I know.

Thats it for today follow me on:
Twitter: xox_selina_wells_xox
Instagram: xox_lifeistoshort_xox

See you soon guys Xx 

Friday 1 August 2014

My Top 5 Songs

Okay guys I'm going to tell you my Top 5 songs at moment:

5. Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer

4.The Way by Ariana Grande                                  

3. Break Free by Ariana Grande

2. Shower by Becky G

And my absolute favorite...
1. Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan

Troye is also a youtuber please check him out he is very funny subscribe to him too you wont regret

Thats my Top 5 Songs. Tell friends and Family about my blog also
follow me on twitter/ user name is: Selina_Wells_xox
Also follow me on Instagram/ username: xox_lifeistoshort_xox

Top 5 Books I Recommend You Read

These books are in my Top 5 that I have read. These books are fantastic:

1. Angel by L.A Weatherly
This series has 3 books. 
Willow has a gift. She can look into people's futures, know their dreams, their hopes and their regrets, just by touching them. But she has no idea where she gets this power from.
Until she meets Alex…
Alex is one of the few who know the truth about angels. He knows Willow's secret and is on a mission to stop her.
The dark forces within Willow make her dangerous – and irresistible.
In spite of himself, Alex finds he is falling in love with his sworn enemy.

2.Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan
This book has 2 series with 5 books in each series.
The gods of Olympus are alive in the 21st Century.  They still fall in love with mortals and have children who might become great heroes, but most of these children meet horrible fates at the hands of monsters by the age of twelve.  Only a few learn the truth of their identity and make it to Half Blood Hill, a Long Island summer camp dedicated to training young demigods.  Such is the revelation that launches young Percy Jackson on a quest to help his real father, Poseidon, avert a war among the gods.
With the help of Grover the satyr and Annabeth the daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction - Zeus' master bolt.  Along the way, they face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop them.  Most of all, Percy must come to terms with a father he has never known, and an Oracle that has warned him of betrayal by a friend.

3.The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
This is a single book but John Green has other wonderful books too.
Despite the tumour-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.
Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green's most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.
4.the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Their are 3 books in this series.
Every year the Capitol of Panem hosts an event called the Hunger Games where two "tributes",a boy and a girl  are drafted from each of the twelve districts to be brought to an arena and fight to the death. (BTW, back in the day the word "tribute" referred to a payment to a ruler.) Only one person can win. This is to remind the country not to rebel – and for entertainment, of course. This year, unfortunately, Katniss's little sister is selected for the Hunger Games, so Katniss volunteers to take her place. Also selected is Peeta Mellark, the baker's son, who maybe has a teensy tiny crush on Katniss. All 24 tributes are then transported to the arena where they fight to the death with each other and only 1 will survive.
5.The First Grave On The Right
Their are 7 books in this series
Charley Davidson is a part-time private investigator and full-time grim reaper. Meaning, she sees dead people. Really. And it's her job to convince them to "go into the light." But when these very dead people have died under less than ideal circumstances (like murder), sometimes they want Charley to bring the bad guys to justice. Complicating matters are the intensely hot dreams she's been having about an entity who has been following her all her life...and it turns out he might not be dead after all. In fact, he might be something else entirely. But what does he want with Charley? And why can't she seem to resist him? And what does she have to lose by giving in?

So they are the books I deeply recommend. I have put the website were I got the info from under each one so if you want to check out their websites that would be awesome. 
Okay guys byee Xx!!

here are some of my favorite quotes:

I hope you enjoyed these quotes!!<3
these are the websites where I got these images:

About myself

Heyy guys! My name is Selina and this week I'm just going to tell you a little bit about myself but not too much :D.
I have a younger brother (who is absolutely annoying by the way). I have 4 birds and 1 dog. My fave colour is
purple. Also my fave TV show is Pretty Little Liars. I am smart, loud and creative. I am also still in school and I am a very hyper lazy kind of person, if you know what I mean.
OK thats it for today lots of love Selina